I've been surprised to learn how many customers at Strange's don't know how important it is to use a specialized Pansy food when planting these winter wonders. Sure, Miracle Gro and Osmocote are great fertilizers for annuals, shrubs and perennials; however, Fertilome's Premium Pansy Food has the stamina to stand up to those freezing temperatures that prevent other plant food products from releasing nutrients. This 7-22-8 blend allows for a slow release of natural chemicals in small doses as opposed to the high nitrogen, phosphorus and potash mixed in with Miracle Gro that can sometimes burn Pansies or force them to grow too quickly and wilt after this initial burst of color. Fertilome Premium Pansy Food can also be used to fertilize bedding plants, perennials, hibiscus, bulbs, bougainvillea, crape myrtle and blooming shrubs. Stop in today to pick up a bag and give your Pansies what they need to survive this winter!
Written by Ginny Gregory.
Written by Ginny Gregory.