Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's Alive! IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!

Although not holding quite the same mystery as Frankenstein, the Living Stone Plants we carry in our Foliage House are just as creepy and fascinating. Belonging to the genus "Lithops," this small cactus-like succulent is known to survive in extremely harsh conditions and thrive in areas with little to no moisture. Should the Living Stone Plant be forced to absorb a great deal of water, a sudden and terrifying explosion will rupture its rough exterior! Any soil that retains too much water will cause the plants to burst their skins as they over-expand. Plants grown in strong light will develop hard darkly coloured skins which are resistant to damage and rot, although persistent over watering will still be fatal. The most startling adaptation of Lithops is the colouring of the leaves. Not green as in almost all higher plants, but various shades of cream, grey, and brown, patterned with darker windowed areas, dots, and red lines. The markings on the top surface disguise the plant in its surroundings. They are often known as pebble plants or living stones which avoid being eaten by blending in with surrounding rocks. Yellow or white flowers emerge from the fissure between the leaves after a new leaf pair has fully matured, one per leaf pair usually occurring in autumn. These strange and unusual specimens of plant life make a unique addition to any cactus planter or dish garden. Visit Alison Cyrus in our Foliage House here at Strange's West Broad to learn more!

Written by Ginny Gregory.

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